Why Cats Eat Litter and How to Stop It
Eating litter is not uncommon in kittens, but it may be a sign of health problems in adult cats. ...
What to Do if Your Cat Is Peeing in the Bathtub
If your cat is peeing in the bathtub on a regular basis it means there is a problem. Find out if it is a health, behaviorial, or other type of issue. ...
How to Stop Your Cat From Chewing Electrical Cords
Cats are known to pounce and attack inanimate objects, like electrical cords. Learn how to prevent your cat from ambushing objects that may harm it. ...
Why Do Cats Bite You? Reasons Cats Bite and How to Stop It
Why do cats bite you? It's common for cats to bite, and they have several reasons for this. Here’s what to do if your cat bites you and how to train them to stop the behavior. ...
Litter Box Basics Every Cat Owner Should Know
Litter boxes are a cat's bathroom but there are some important basics in caring for them that you should follow to avoid problems with your cat. ...
Why Cats Eat and Chew on Plastic
Some cats like to chew on or eat plastic, but this can be problematic. Find out why your cat does it and what you can do to protect them. ...
Reasons Why Your Cat Meows at Night
If your cat meows at night, find out if they are trying to tell you something and what you can do to keep them quiet. ...
What Do the Different Cat Meows Mean?
If you understand your cat's meows, you may empathize with it, but practice tough love to avoid being trained to be at its beck and call. ...
Why Cats Blink Their Eyes at You
Ever wonder what your cat means when they blink at you? We break down what they're trying to say when they behave this way. ...
7 Reasons Why Your Cat Eats Paper, and How to Stop It
Is your cat eating paper? Learn why your cat is doing this, and find out how to put a stop to it. ...
How to Safely Introduce Cats and Newborn Babies
Bringing a new baby into your life is a joyful event. Help prepare your cat for the changes a baby brings in to a home. ...
Why Do Cats Slap Each Other?
Cats can have some quirky behaviors—one of them being slapping each other. Why do they do this and what can you do to stop it? ...
How to Stop Cats From Pooping on Rugs
Cats pooping outside the litter box can be a sign of a medical or behavioral problem. If your cat is pooping on the rug, learn how to stop it. ...
How to Train Your Cat to Accept Mirror Reflections
Cats and mirrors can be a source of amusement or a trigger for aggressive behavior. Learn how to soothe an upset cat when it attacks a mirror. ...
How to Stop Your Cat From Waking You Up at Night
There's no need to suffer from cat-related sleep deprivation. Try one or more of these suggestions to get some shuteye while keeping your cat happy. ...
Why Do Cats Groom and Lick Themselves So Often?
Cats may spend as much as half their time grooming and licking themselves. What leads to this behavior, and how does it help your cat? ...
Reasons Why a Cat Doesn't Meow
When a cat doesn't meow, it is often just natural behavior, but when its silence is accompanied by other symptoms, have a vet examine your pet. ...
Why Your Cat Sleeps So Much
Learn about sleep cycles of cats, how cats sleep, whether cats dream, why they sleep and the discovery of REM sleep in cats. ...